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More than 405 million tons of freight valued at an estimated $1.3 trillion moves through the NYMTC region each year. By 2040, a 46% increase is expected.
Of the more then 5 million private-sector jobs in the region, 1.4 million or almost 24% are in freight-intensive industries. JFK is the leading U.S. freight gateway by value of shipments, and handles approximately 65 percent of the New York and New Jersey Region’s air cargo, with international cargo representing approximately 70 percent of the that amount. JFK ranked 7th among U.S. airports in terms of air cargo weight handled in 2011 and 19th among airports worldwide. The Port of New York and New Jersey is the largest container port on the U.S. East Coast, and third-largest in the United States behind Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Interim Freight Report (2007)
These modal or subreports focus in more detail on the various modes that either individually or together handle freight.
Freight Villages Market Analysis Truck Trips Analysis Summary Industry-Specific Logistics Resource Scan Summary Highway Network Rail Network Ports & Waterborne Network Air Cargo Network Intermodal Network Commodity Flow Analysis Solid Waste Flows
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council