What We Do

What We Do

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) provides a collaborative planning forum to address transportation-related issues from a regional perspective.

NYMTC studies existing transportation networks, forecasts future needs, and maximizes the planning activities of its member agencies by pooling resources to develop a shared strategic vision for transportation in the region and make decisions on the use of federal transportation funds. In order to be eligible for those funds, NYMTC produces the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP, or The Plan) and Congestion Management Process (CMP), Transportation Conformity Determination, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP, and Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), which are used to guide the development, maintenance and operation of facilities, and funding of transportation projects in the region.

While NYMTC is responsible for coordinating planning and funding for studies and transportation improvements, it is not responsible for day-to-day issues such as the design and repair of roads, maintenance and operations of facilities, enforcement of traffic laws or resolution of zoning issues. These matters are handled by appropriate agencies and levels of government.

Planning Studies

NYMTC manages planning studies in collaboration with member agencies and hosts sessions to address the region's transportation issues. Some of these activities include: Studying patterns of freight transport to assure the efficient movement of goods; examining pedestrian and bicycle trends to understand how to support safe movement of people; conducting in-depth reviews of travel corridors to plan transportation improvements; coordinating planning meetings with neighboring states to maximize travel efficiency; and exploring demand management programs to reduce congestion, improve air quality, and minimize energy consumption.