Mega-Regional Planning

Planning in a mega-region­al context is key to sustaining the integrity of overlapping travelsheds, transportation networks, economies, and environ­ments.

Situated as it is in the middle of the vast Northeast Megaregion – which stretches from Washington D.C. to Boston – the plans and programs that are developed for NYMTC’s planning area have a far-reaching impact on nearby states, MPOs and municipalities, as well as on the nation as a whole.

Collaborating Across Planning Borders

Working effectively across the boundaries which separate planning regions is of paramount importance to NYMTC and its members, who must also address working with local municipalities within the NYMTC planning area. Partnerships that cross jurisdictional lines are essential if transportation planning is to be fully responsive to the travel activity in a regional area. These partnerships also cross functional boundaries so that the development of the transportation system is better integrated with land-use planning, economic development, goods movement, waste disposal, and other related infrastructure.