Required Planning Products

Federal regulations mandate that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) produce three required products and two analyses, along with a Public Involvement Plan. These documents guide the long-, medium- and short-term transportation planning activities for the region, and ensure compliance with clean air laws.

Regional Transportation Plan
Regional Transportation Plan (Plan)

The Plan includes the NYMTC members’ vision for the 10 county planning area, and lays out the long-range framework for its transportation system.

Transportation Improvement Program
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) outlines all of the federally-funded transportation projects proposed for the NYMTC area over a five year period.

Unified Planning Work Program
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

Developed annually, the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes all transportation-related planning for the program

Congestion Management Process
Congestion Management Process

Model-based estimates of current, and forecasts of future, traffic congestion in the region and specific measures to address them.

Transportation Conformity
Transportation Conformity

Contains a regional mobile source emissions analysis that reflects TIP and Plan compliance with Clean Air Act requirements and NYS SIP.