The Congestion Management Process (CMP) forecasts congestion on the region’s roadways and evaluates congestion-reducing strategies.
As a federally-designated Transportation Management Area (TMA), NYMTC must maintain a CMP to forecast traffic congestion and consider congestion-reduction strategies. Congestion can negatively affect the economy, increase travel times, decrease the reliability of movement of people and goods and intensify air pollution caused by vehicle emissions. NYMTC's CMP describes a combination of approaches including demand management, system operation and management, multimodal investments, land use, parking and regulatory strategies.
Planning Strategies
The CMP is intended to help NYMTC’s members enhance the regional planning processes, as carried out through the Regional Transportation Plan (the Plan), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The CMP establishes performance measures to define transportation system congestion; a toolbox of strategies to address congestion; a methodology to evaluate and prioritize congestion-reducing projects and strategies; and a mechanism to assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies. In order to fulfill federal requirements, NYMTC is required to produce a Congestion Management Process Status Report every four years in conjunction with the release of the Plan.
Congestion Management Procedures
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