Community Planning Workshops

Community Planning Workshop Program:

NYMTC and its members sponsor community planning workshops on various topics

Since 2001, NYMTC has held more than 100 workshops throughout its planning area to generate local planning on pedestrian safety and walkability. These contribute to local plans that incorporate goals from NYMTC's Regional Transportation Plans. As part of these workshops, NYMTC assists project sponsors with ways to tap into available federal funds. The workshops have helped groups of elected officials, local government staff, and citizens analyze current conditions and identify needed improvements. In addition to being popular with a broad cross-section of communities in NYMTC's planning area, the workshops generate awareness about pedestrian safety, walkability, and bicycle access.

After a five-year hiatus, NYMTC has recently relaunched its Community Planning Workshop Program based on goals identified in its Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward. Moving Forward seeks to ensure a transportation system that safely and efficiently serves today's population and plans for our region's growing number of residents, workers, and goods.

NYMTC, in collaboration with its consultant, the Public Outreach Engagement Team (POET) at Rutgers University, is holding meetings in locations identified by NYMTC's members in Coordinated Development Emphasis Areas (CDEA). CDEAs are locations where NYMTC anticipates an increase in population and seeks to promote transportation improvements and land use development that accommodate future growth within a sustainable framework. By using these areas as a targeting mechanism, NYMTC can work with local governments for a continuing program of community planning activities that:

  • Encourage development in centers and downtowns to reinforce walkable, aesthetically pleasing, and transit-accessible environments
  • Encourage consideration of local transportation issues in comprehensive/master planning and community visioning processes
  • Make walking safer and more convenient through safety and streetscape improvements
  • Support downtown development/redevelopment
  • Encourage walkability, Complete Streets, and remote parking in targeted centers
  • Complete and distribute the MTA First Mile/Last Mile Station Access Toolkit
  • Provide planning assistance
  • Facilitate discussions with the public enabling participants to develop, evaluate, and implement improvements for their communities

See Figures A-24 through A-33 within Appendix A of Moving Forward for maps showing the CDEAs identified within NYMTC's planning area.

The Community Planning Workshop Program is federally funded through the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), an annual or biennial statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities carried out within a metropolitan planning area.

Discover more about NYMTC’s Community Planning Workshop Program through our new video:

English Version

Versión en Español

Past Events

Cold Spring (Putnam County)

Date: April 29, 2024
Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM

Cold Spring Report Cover

Topic: The Village of Cold Spring held a virtual public workshop to gather public input on maintaining residential quality of life and improving pedestrian safety. The workshop focused on four locations and the Cold Spring Trolley. The proposed solutions aim to reduce congestion in the village. Participants also expressed a need to mitigate the impact of tourism on local traffic conditions. 

Cold Spring Workshop Report

Valley Stream (Nassau County)

Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM

Valley Stream Report Cover

Topic: The Village of Valley Stream partnered with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) to conduct a community planning workshop for their long-range transportation plan, Moving Forward. This project captured community input to inform local officials about key areas needing transportation improvements. Specifically, connectivity improvements between parks and the downtown area improve the safety and economic vitality of Valley Stream. The connectivity improvements proposed by the Village include implementing traffic calming and safety measures through streetscaping that promote active transportation, such as investing in bike infrastructure and improving sidewalks and crossings. The final findings will be used to pursue funding opportunities to realize these potential projects.

Valley Stream Workshop Report

Carmel/Hamlet of Mahopac (Putnam County)

Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 5:00- 7:00 PM

Carmel Report Cover_v2

Topic: The Town of Carmel held a virtual public workshop to gather public input on improving traffic safety and fostering economic vitality in Downtown Mahopac. The workshop focused on two dangerous intersections in the town and presented potential solutions to gather residents’ thoughts about travel and traffic safety within Carmel. The Town discussed adding a multi-modal access point to Downtown Mahopac via the Putnam Trail, which spans the length of the municipality. Finally, residents and businesses provided feedback on the Town’s plan to consolidate parking in Mahopac using a municipal lot. The lot would double as a connector to the Putnam Trail and an extension of public space for events downtown.

Carmel Workshop Report

Mount Pleasant/Hamlet of Hawthorne (Westchester County)

Date: May 1, 2023
Time: 5:00- 7:00 PM

Mt. Pleasant Report Cover

Topic: The Town of Mount Pleasant held two simultaneous workshops in-person and virtually to gather public feedback regarding locations and areas of interest within its Hawthorne Hamlet. The locations discussed include the intersection of Elwood Ave and Commerce St. and the intersection of Elwood Ave and Broadway. Attendees shared their concerns, requests, and suggestions to improve the safety and walkability of the downtown area. Public officials and workshop participants alike also expressed a need for increased access to public parking, leading to a discussion of the location and design of these proposed parking lots. Lastly, participants contributed their thoughts regarding streetscape improvements and downtown activation strategies.

Mount Pleasant Workshop Report

North Castle (Westchester County)

Date: December 8, 2022
Time: 7 – 9 PM

North Castle Workshop Report Final

Topic: The Town of North Castle held a virtual workshop to discuss key focus areas for road and transit improvements within its North White Plains Hamlet, with an emphasis on pedestrian safety. In addition to the general streetscape improvements requested by the public, the workshop gathered the community’s input for potential improvements in three critical locations identified by the town: 845 North Broadway, Palmer Avenue, and McDougal Drive on North Broadway, and Virginia Road. The participants requested additional crosswalks, pedestrian-activated crossings, and the completion of sidewalks along Route 22.

North Castle Workshop Report