Funding Solicitations

U.S. DOT - Maritime Administration

MARAD Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP)

Closing Date for Applications: Apr 30, 2025

MARAD Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP)

The Port Infrastructure Development Program funds projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods through ports or intermodal connections to ports. See this link for more info/eligibility requirements:

U.S. DOT - Federal Highway Administration

FHWA Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program (WCPP)

Closing Date for Applications: FY 2026 Application Period Opens May 1, 2025; closes August 1, 2025, 11:59 p.m. ET.

FHWA Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program (WCPP)

This NOFO is to provide grants on a competitive basis for projects that seek to achieve a reduction in the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions; and improve habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species See this link for more info/eligibility requirements:

Bridge Investment Program


The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Investment Program is a competitive, discretionary program that focuses on reducing the number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition that are at risk of falling into poor condition. To apply for a grant under the Bridge Investment Program,  please visit