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The Hub Bound Travel annual document presents a detailed analysis of travel to and from the Manhattan Central Business District (CBD) both by person and by vehicle. The Hub, or CBD, is defined as that portion of Manhattan lying south of 60th Street. The data are collected on a typical fall business weekday.
The sectors shown in the tables (60th Street, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and New Jersey) are strictly the entry and exit points in the Hub bound survey and are not necessarily the actual origins or destinations of trips.
2023 Hub Bound Excel Tables2023 Hub Bound Travel Report
2022 Hub Bound Excel Tables2022 Hub Bound Travel Data Addendum to 2022 Hub Bound Travel Data
2021 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2021 Hub Bound Travel Data
2020 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2020 Hub Bound Travel Data
2019 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2019 Hub Bound Travel Data Addendum to 2019 Hub Bound Travel Data
2018 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2018 Hub Bound Travel Data
2017 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2017 Hub Bound Travel Data
2016 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2016 Hub Bound Travel Data
2015 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2015 Hub Bound Travel Data
2014 Hub Bound Excel Tables 2014 Hub Bound Travel Data
click to go to the Hub Bound archive area →
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council