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From Regional Transportation Statistics to Travel Patterns and Transportation Safety, publications produced by NYMTC provide stakeholders with critical data related to mobility, infrastructure, financing, safety, and other essential planning topics. Reports, tables, and figures help identify needs and trends, and provide NYMTC with the tools to educate and inform the public on the needs of the region.
Data collected and analyzed from various sources and agencies is used to support the New York Best Practice Model (NYBPM) and the Regional Transportation Plan (the Plan). All of the publications produced support NYMTC's core products and mission.
This annual document presents a detailed analysis of travel to and from the Manhattan Central Business District (CBD). click to go to Hub Bound page →
Average weekday ridership on the regions buses, rail, subways, and ferries and vehicular traffic crossing the area's waterway bridges. click to go to Travel Patterns page →
Publications no longer produced including: Regional Transportation Statistics; Truck Toll Volume; and Transportation & Economic Highlights. go to Data and Modeling Archive →
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council