Federal transportation legislation mandates that all urbanized areas with a population over 50,000 must have a designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to qualify for federal transportation funds.
NYMTC is the designated MPO for New York City, Long Island, and the lower Hudson Valley. NYMTC members are elected officials and heads of transportation and environmental agencies responsible for establishing and implementing transportation plans, projects and programs. Working together, Council Members develop a vision for the region, setting the direction for the organization and determining desired outcomes for their established regional goals.

How We Operate
NYMTC must undertake a transportation planning process specified in federal regulations. Organizationally, NYMTC is comprised of three regional subcommittees known as Transportation Coordinating Committees (TCCs) to address local needs and ensure proper coordination and consistency with formal requirements. In addition, member agency representatives make up the Program, Finance and Administration Committee, or PFAC, which is responsible for overseeing NYMTC’s day-to-day activities. NYMTC staff and working groups work with the member agencies and the public to further the regional transportation planning process.