NYMTC Compendium of Agreements and Operating Procedures

The Compendium of Agreements and Operating Procedures, which includes the 1982 originating Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), contains the documented agreements and operating procedures that govern NYMTC.

Federal Regulations

NYMTC was designated as the MPO for New York City, Long Island and the lower Hudson Valley by the Governor of the State of New York in June 1982.

Organizationally, NYMTC was formed through an MOU between its member agencies. This MOU established NYMTC as a “council of transportation coordinating committees” using the geographically-oriented constituent committees that had operated under its predecessor agency, the Tri-State Regional Planning Commission, as a basis for the new organization. The language of the MOU was passed by the New York State Legislature and signed into law, and the Governor designated NYMTC as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for its planning area.


The compendium includes Supplemental Agreements, Organizational Operating Procedures and Functional Operating Procedures to address revisions and adaptation to changing requirements and activities.


The Compendium of Agreements and Operating Procedures includes all the documents that define the organization and operation of NYMTC.

Compendium of Agreements and Operating Procedures (Updated January 2024)