Our Plan to Pay for The Plan
Moving Forward estimates that approximately $906 billion in year of expenditure (YOE) dollars (an average of $31 billion per year) will likely be needed through the Plan's 2050 horizon year to adequately operate and maintain system components and services. Roughly 95 percent of the NYMTC planning area's forecasted operations and maintenance costs are related to the operation of transit services. Read Chapter 5: Our Plan to Pay for The Plan (Open in a new window)
Meanwhile, approximately $750 billion in YOE dollars ($26 billion annual average) in system preservation projects and strategies will be needed to maintain all aspects of the transportation system. System preservation is broadly defined as costs related to the life-cycle replacement, refurbishment, rehabilitation, reconditioning, or reconstruction of components of the federally supported transportation system.
Finally, Moving Forward recommends system enhancement projects and strategies that total $49.6 billion in YOE dollars. System enhancement refers to extensions and/or improvements to the existing transportation system or new segments or services added to the transportation system to improve capacity and/or throughput.
Funding the Plan
In total, the projects and programs proposed for funding in Moving Forward are forecast to cost $800 billion in YOE dollars ($27.5 billion annual average) to preserve and enhance the federally supported transportation system through the planning period. The Plan estimates that $805 billion from all sources — federal, state, local and private — are reasonably expected to be available during the planning period, an annual average of $27.8 billion.
Revenues vs. Cost - Federally Supported Transportation Systems (in millions of YOE dollars)
Moving Forward assumes that the strong federal partnership that has characterized transportation funding in the NYMTC planning area will continue during the planning period and play a significant role in the preservation and enhancement of the federally supported transportation system. These resources will be leveraged with New York State-authorized revenues and local revenues are assumed to be available, as necessary, to complement federal and state funding. NYMTC's members have a longstanding and demonstrated history of providing the non-federal share necessary to leverage any additional funds that are apportioned/allocated to the region.
Moving Forward
identifies a number of project-specific federal, state, and local
funding sources among its estimates of available funding.
The availability, adoption, and implementation of these additional funding opportunities are subject to legislative actions at various levels of government, as well as budgeting and policy decisions. As an organization, NYMTC does not have the statutory authority to adopt or implement these additional funding opportunities because they fall outside the metropolitan transportation planning process.